Writing Together: Find Your Memoir Voice
With Deborah Nedelman
Available spots
Service Description
Mondays 10 am-noon, October 7, 14, 21, 28 Suggested donation is $40 Please donate the entire $40 before the first class (by credit card at the donate button on createspacelangley.org) or by check or cash at the first class in the donation jar in your classroom. Please donate the entire amount even if you can't attend all 4 classes. If you can't afford $40, give as you are able. Your donations ensure the future of Create Space. Something magical happens when we write in the company of others and when we feel safe enough to read our raw, unedited work aloud. Come join us in creating magic with your words! This class will be especially useful to those who want to explore memoir. You are always free to write whatever you choose, but prompts will be focused on eliciting personal life stories. We will experiment with short-form memoir. Using the Amherst Writers and Artists Method (AWA), developed by poet Pat Schneider, Deborah fosters an environment of safety, support, and stimulation that will encourage and nurture the writer within you. We will write in response to prompts and will read our work aloud. This is not a critique group. We are invited to read our work in order to hear our own words and to learn what is strong in our work. Students from previous classes are welcome. This group is designed for: • shy writers and those who don’t think they are writers • those who want to write but have not found the time or space • experienced writers who want to experiment with different forms • unpublished, exploring writers looking for a supportive, safe place to expand their writing • ages 15 and above Come prepared to write. You are encouraged to write by hand—pen on paper or in a journal. Laptops are acceptable if necessary. Deborah Nedelman, PhD, MFA has published fiction, poetry and nonfiction. Her novel, What We Take for Truth, (Adelaide Press, 2019) won the Sarton Award for Historical Fiction and a starred review from Kirkus. Her short fiction and poetry appear in The Concho River Review, Contemporary World Literature, Persimmon Tree, Stone Gathering, The Masters Review, and Literary Orphans among others. A teacher of writing for over 20 years, she lives on Whidbey Island where she paints and swims in the Salish Sea.

Contact Details
723 Camano Avenue, Langley, WA, USA